From the dashboard, tap the icon on the bottom right. Or -> Manage Bookings -> Tap "Add New Booking".
For short video demonstrating taking an appointment, see below. Details description of steps is in later sections.
After you tap "Add New Booking", a new screen asks for phone number or email or to book as a walkin customer.
Providing phone or email will help lookup the customer info quickly and apply any loyalty points (if feature is enabled).
If a customer does not exist, it will proceed to take the appointment. A new customer record is created using the phone or email as the key.
Privacy sensitive customers can be checked in as "Walk-in". Walk in option is used to create a quick appointment or for those who do not wish to provide a phone or email and the salon's business email is used as a default. Walkin still requires selecting a stylist as each salon has different ways of assigning walkins.
The "Create New booking" page takes in the appointment details. Ensure the customer details are correct. After you "Select services" customer is requested, available slots for today and tommorow are show below.
Standard Appointment Slot means, using one of the prefetched available times shown (example below). This is a quick selection. You can set an appointment in as little as 3 taps from here.
In the above, you may tap on the available times for the stylist that will be assigned. This will set the appointment date, time and stylist in one go. Then tap submit to preview.
Custom Appointment Slot When you need more control over the time of the appointment, ignore the available time. First set the date and time of the appointment. When you tap on select stylist, the app will search for available stylists for the appointment date. If no stylists are available, select a different time/date. This is a slightly longer process but gives you complete control on the time being assigned.
Once stylist and time details are selected, tap on submit. An appointment summary is shown including estimated cost. Tap on "confirm booking" to actually set the appointment. If confirm booking is not tapped, the booking is not saved.
Here is a sample image of preview and submit
The app automatically takes appointments even when there is a temporary loss of internet access. This feature saves the appointment details locally and will send the appointment to the server once the app recognizes the network connectivity has been restored.
This is a convenience feature to reduce loss of business due to network issues. Due to its offline nature is has a few limitations:
For every appointment being created advanced options are available to control the search and setup of the appointment. These options are in "Create New Booking" screen and accessed by tapping the gear icon (). The following options are currently available.
Option | Notes |
Prefer AM/PM | This preference applies to the available time slots searched and returned. |
Slot Size | Normally slot sizes are 30 mins (or your business default). Here slots sizes returned for your selecton can be changed. |
Squeeze Appointment | If this appointment cannot be serviced at normal time. Enabling "squeeze" will attempt to find a slot by reducing the total service time by 30% ("squeeze time by 30%"). This is for providers who can manage time well. |
Force Appointment | This option will forceably create the appointment at the time request. Use for double/triple booking or other scenarios you feel necessary. This option may fail to create appointment if service provider's schedule is not set for that day. |
Client Notes | Appointment specific notes. Can be viewed and edited later as well. |